In compliance with the Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC),
UnisLink provides numerous transparency disclosures.

Developer Name
Product Name
UnisLink ICMS™ (Intelligent Care Management Suite)
Certificate Number
Certification Date
October 8, 2021
Certificate Updated
May 6th, 2024
Certification Body (ONC-ACB)
SLI Compliance
Criteria certified
170.315(b) – (10)
170.315(c) – (1), (2), (3), (4)
170.315(d) – (1), (2), (3), (5), (12), (13)
170.315(g) – (4), (5)
eCQMs certified
CMS2, CMS22, CMS50, CMS56, CMS68, CMS69, CMS74, CMS75, CMS90, CMS117, CMS122, CMS124, CMS125, CMS128, CMS129, CMS130, CMS131, CMS133, CMS135, CMS136, CMS137, CMS138, CMS139, CMS142, CMS143, CMS144, CMS145, CMS146, CMS149, CMS153, CMS154, CMS155, CMS156, CMS157, CMS159, CMS165, CMS177, CMS249, CMS347, CMS349, CMS645, CMS771
UnisLink’s Transparency Disclosures
In compliance with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), UnisLink provides the following transparency disclosure.
Purchase of UnisLink ICMS™ (Intelligent Care Management Suite) requires a contract and an annual subscription fees. There also may be one‐time fees for special configurations, customization, support, or additional training. There may also be usage-based fees for patient outreach features such as calling, texting patients.
As listed on the ONC Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL), UnisLink ICMS™ (Intelligent Care Management Suite) 3 is EHR Module certified for Clinical Quality Measures criteria and requires the following components:
High-speed internet connection is recommended for good user experience
Supported Internet Browsers: Internet Explorer (IE) 10 or later, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
There is no Third Party Software Connectivity required and no additional one-time and/or ongoing license fees for any other software
170.315(d)(13) Multi-factor authentication
- UnisLink iCMS v3 now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA). Based on the level of security standards that the client / an authorized information security officer wishes to enforce, the system or practice administrator can enable/disable this feature on the users.
- The feature can be enabled for users of any role in the system.
- Currently, the system supports MFA through email.
- On the Invite new user or Edit user page – a checkbox “Is MFA required” has been provided to control this.
- Only “Administrator” can turn on/off the “Is MFA required” check box of each user
- Once the setting is turned on, on a user, whenever the user logs in thereafter
- The user will be prompted for the username & password as a first step
- Once the username & password are authenticated, the system sends a verification code to the user’s registered email address. The code is sent with an expiration time limit and the same is communicated in the email.
- The user is then required to enter this verification code (also referred to here as the One-Time Password) on the login page.
- The user is successfully logged in only when the code entered matches the code that was sent to the user’s email address.
- In case of a mismatch, the user is informed that the code entered is not correct and allowed to enter the code again.
- The user can also request the system to send the OTP / verification code again, in case the code expires or if they did not receive it in their email.
This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.