Data-Driven Strategies are Key to High Performing RCM Billing Teams


medical executive looking at tablet with analytic data

Advanced data management in healthcare as the new currency for success. For revenue cycle management (RCM), this means a shift from traditional, manual processes to data-driven strategies that optimize billing, enhance operational efficiency, and ultimately, bolster financial performance for the practice.

High performing RCM operations are a fundamental and critical component of healthcare financial success. It encompasses a complex series of processes, from patient registration and insurance verification to claim submission, denial management, and payment collection. However, traditional RCM teams often struggle with challenges like high denial rates, prolonged claim cycles, and insufficient revenue capture.This is where data-driven strategies become the center to a practice’s success.

With close attention to RCM data analytics, healthcare providers can gain invaluable insights into their RCM operations, identify areas for improvement, and make data-informed decisions to drive better outcomes.

There’s Power in RCM Data

The foundation of any data-driven strategy is high-quality data. By collecting and organizing patient information, insurance details, coding data, and financial metrics, healthcare providers can create a robust dataset for analysis. This data serves as a rich source of information that can be mined for valuable insights.

For instance, analyzing denial data can reveal patterns such as common denial reasons, specific claim types with high denial rates, or even trends over time. With this knowledge, providers can take targeted actions to address the root causes of denials, such as improving coding accuracy, strengthening documentation, or negotiating with payers

Optimizing Billing with Data Insights

By analyzing claim submission data, providers can identify trends in claim acceptance and rejection rates, helping them to optimize claim formats and submission times. 

Additionally, data can be used to predict and prevent denials by flagging potential issues before claims are submitted. This proactive approach can save time and resources while improving overall claim acceptance rates.

A key metric in RCM is the clean claim rate, which represents the percentage of claims submitted without errors. Data analytics can help identify factors that contribute to clean claims, such as accurate patient demographics, complete insurance information, and correct coding. By focusing on these areas, providers can increase their clean claim rate, leading to faster reimbursements and reduced administrative burden.

To truly optimize billing, medical practices should closely monitor key performance indicators (KPIs). Some essential KPIs include:

  • First-pass claim rate: This measures the percentage of claims paid without any corrections or rejections.
  • Days in accounts receivable (AR): This indicates how long it takes to collect payments.
  • Charge lag: The time between providing services and submitting claims.
  • Denial rate: The percentage of claims denied by payers.
  • Accounts receivable turnover: How efficiently a practice collects outstanding payments.
  • Average reimbursement per claim: The average amount received for each claim.

Get your free e-book: 7 Performance Benchmarks Every Medical Practice Must Know

Streamlining Workflows with Data-Driven Insights

While the previous section addressed billing-related KPIs, here’s a more detailed look at workflow-centric KPIs for RCM optimization using data-driven insights.

By tracking and analyzing these operational KPIs, healthcare providers can gain valuable insights into their RCM workflows. This data-driven approach empowers providers to identify

Workflow KPIDescriptionExample Uses
Average Task Completion TimeAverage time it takes staff to complete specific tasks within the RCM workflow. 
Examples include: 
  • # of registrations per hour
  • eligibility checks/benefit checks per hour
  • # of coded charts per hour
  • # of denials worked per hour
By tracking these times, practices can identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. 

For instance, a high average time to code and submit claims might indicate a need for additional training or automation tools.
Workload Distribution by TaskDistribution of tasks among staff members, identifying potential imbalances to ensure everyone is contributing efficiently. Discover staff members consistently exceeding or falling short of workload expectations.

Opportunities to redistribute tasks for a more balanced workflow
Error RatesFrequency of errors occurring at different stages of the RCM workflow. 
Examples include:
  • Data entry errors (e.g., typos in patient demographics)
  • Coding errors)
  • Claim submission errors)
By monitoring error rates, practices can identify areas where staff training or process improvements are needed. 

Reducing errors minimizes rework and streamlines the RCM process.
Automation EfficiencyThis KPI measures the effectiveness of implemented automation tools.
It helps assess:
  • Whether automation is reducing manual workload as intended.
  • The accuracy and efficiency of automated tasks
By analyzing automation efficiency, practices can identify opportunities to further optimize workflows and leverage technology for maximum benefit.
Staff SatisfactionWhile not a direct workflow KPI, staff satisfaction can significantly impact RCM efficiency.
Practices can utilize surveys or feedback mechanisms to understand:
  • Staff perceptions of workflow effectiveness
  • Areas where processes can be improved to enhance staff experience
A satisfied staff is more likely to be productive and engaged, leading to a smoother RCM workflow.

Financial Stability Through Data-Driven RCM

The ultimate goal of any RCM strategy is to improve financial stability. Data-driven RCM can have a significant impact on the bottom line by optimizing billing processes, reducing denials, and accelerating cash flow.

Moreover, data analytics can provide valuable insights for revenue forecasting. Practices should analyze historical data on patient volume, payer mix, and reimbursement rates to develop accurate revenue projections. This information is essential for financial planning, budgeting, and resource allocation.

By embracing the power of data, organizations can improve financial cash flow, improve efficiency, and ensure long term stability.

UnisLink is Expert at RCM Data Driven Strategies

Unislink’s proprietary Engage™ model is an advanced RCM data analytics tool that helps healthcare providers make strategic decisions to optimize resource allocation, identify growth opportunities, and enhance financial performance. 

Engage™ is used by successful healthcare practices all over the country with the following features.

  • Maximizes revenue capture by identifying and rectifying revenue leakage points
  • Optimizes medical coding and billing by providing transparency, insights, and benchmark comparison
  • Unifies financial insights with dashboards and identifies patterns, anomalies, and other areas needing attention
  • Eliminates billing errors and streamlines the billing process
  • Provides insights into payer performance and reimbursement trends
  • Provides access to LCD policies, which define under what clinical circumstances Medicare covers a service
  • Delivers important insights into both over-coding as well as under-coding
  • Easy to use, integrates with all common EMR/EHR systems
  • Supported by expert consultants and technology team at UnisLink, and is supported by experts.

In short, Unislink’s Engage™ is a data-driven RCM solution that can help healthcare providers improve their financial performance.

Contact us today for more discussion about how to use RCM data strategically in your practice for improved financial stability.