Stop the Bleed: Quickest Ways to Boost Your Medical Clinic’s Cash Flow and A/R


desk with invoice, calculator and stethoscope

Is your medical clinic overwhelmed with staffing problems and administrative overload? Does the mention of “accounts receivable” send your revenue cycle team running for cover in the break room? You’re not alone, and despite the challenges, you CAN boost your clinic’s cash flow and A/R.

A mountain of outstanding invoices or denied claims is common for clinics everywhere. But here’s a surefire plan packed with the easiest and quickest revenue cycle management (RCM) best practices to get your cash flow flowing freely again, all without a complete overhaul of your system.

The Low-Hanging Fruit: Streamline Patient Payments

Let’s face it, collecting money can be awkward. But with a few tweaks, you can make it a smoother, faster process for everyone.

  • Be Upfront and Clear: Before a stethoscope even touches skin, ensure patients understand their financial responsibility. Have a clear, written payment policy outlining copay expectations and any estimated patient balances. Get them to sign a patient responsibility agreement at check-in. This transparency sets expectations and reduces confusion later.
  • Offer Multiple Payment Options: Cash, credit, debit? Why not all of the above? Offer a variety of payment methods to make it as easy as possible for patients to settle their bills. Depending on your insurance payer agreements, consider offering a discount for upfront payments with cash or debit.
  • Harness the Power of Technology: Integrate your billing system with your patient portal. This allows patients to easily view statements, make secure online payments, and even set up payment plans – all at their convenience. This not only improves patient satisfaction but also reduces the administrative burden on your staff.
  • Send Friendly Reminders: A gentle nudge can go a long way. Send automated appointment reminders via text or email that include a friendly reminder about any outstanding balances due at the time of service.
  • Collect Co-pays at Check-in: Don’t let those copays slip through the cracks. Make it a standard practice to collect co-pays and any estimated patient responsibility amounts before the patient leaves the office. This reduces the risk of forgotten payments later.

Cleaning Up Your Act: Efficient Patient Billing and Follow-up

Now that you’ve tightened your patient payment process, let’s tackle the back-end:

  • Scrub Your Data: Medical billing is a minefield of errors. Regularly audit your billing data for accuracy. This includes patient demographics, insurance information, and service codes. Clean data translates to fewer denials and faster reimbursements.
  • Embrace Automation: There’s a reason why robots are taking over the world (well, some tasks anyway). Utilize automated billing software to streamline claim submission and reduce the risk of human error. This frees up your staff’s valuable time for more complex tasks.
  • Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up: Don’t let denied or pending claims languish in purgatory. Develop a systematic follow-up process for denied claims and ensure timely resubmission with the necessary corrections. The sooner you address these issues, the sooner you get paid.
  • Embrace Transparency with Payers: Communication is key. Develop a strong working relationship with your insurance providers. Proactively reach out to them to understand any denials or delays and work towards swift resolution.
  • Outsource if Needed: Is your billing department overwhelmed? Consider outsourcing your medical billing to a qualified, experienced RCM billing services company. This can free up your staff’s time to focus on patient care while ensuring your billing processes are optimized.

Case in Point: See how UnisLink improved one clinic’s revenue collection by 62%

Revenue Power Tip: Create a Patient-Friendly Atmosphere

Remember, happy patients are more likely to pay their bills on time.

Positive Perception

A positive experience fosters a sense of trust and appreciation for the service provided. Patients who feel genuinely cared for are more likely to view their bill as a fair exchange for the valuable healthcare they received. They’re less likely to contest charges or delay payments when they feel the service was worth the cost.

Reduced Friction

When patients feel frustrated or unheard during their visit, it can bleed over into the billing process. Confusing bills, unexpected charges, or difficulty reaching someone to address concerns can all create friction. Happy patients, on the other hand, are more likely to approach the billing process openly and work collaboratively to resolve any issues, leading to faster and more complete payments.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Foster a welcoming and patient-centered environment.
  • Train your staff to be patient and understanding when discussing billing matters.
  • Offer flexible payment plans and be willing to work with patients who are facing financial hardship.

Practicing the Best RCM Maneuvers Makes for Perfect Execution

We just covered the initial steps. Consistency is the key to financial stability. By implementing these easy-to-manage RCM best practices and refining them over time, you can significantly improve your medical clinic’s cash flow and accounts receivable. Less financial stress means a happier provider group, a happier staff, and ultimately, happier patients.

UnisLink Delivers Revenue Improvement and Optimizes Cash Flow for Medical Practices

Does all of this feel a bit overwhelming? No problem. UnisLink offers a comprehensive suite of RCM services that will take your practice’s financial health to the next level. Our team of experienced RCM pros can help you implement these strategies seamlessly, manage the ongoing tasks, and ensure you’re maximizing all your revenue potential.

Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help your medical practice thrive.